
How Umbrella Insurance Helps Keep You Covered

By Diane Ferber Image courtesy of Max Pixel Whenever I mention Umbrella Insurance to my friends, they look up as though expecting to see a thundercloud.   While umbrella insurance doesn’t keep you from getting out of the rain, it can help keep you from sinking into debt should an accident occur.   Allow me to explain.

Florida Truck Insurance and UIIA

  As a truck driver in Florida, it's important to have the right insurance coverage for your trucks. One type of insurance that you might need is UIIA insurance. UIIA stands for Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement, which is an agreement that allows trucking companies to interchange intermodal equipment with each other. If you're a truck driver in Florida, you may be wondering why you should buy UIIA insurance from A & B. Here are some reasons to consider: A & B is an experienced insurance team focusing on the trucking industry. When it comes to insurance for truck drivers, you want to work with an experienced team who understands the unique needs and risks of truckers. A & B has been providing insurance to trucking companies for over 20 years, and they specialize in insurance for the transportation industry. This means they have the expertise to help you get the right coverage. A & B offers a variety of insurance options to meet your n

The Truth About Self-Driving Cars

 By Diane Tait Image courtesy Pixabay For the past few years, it seems the only time you read or hear about self-driving cars is when a new model is released or when one crashes.  While that may make for titillating headlines, the truth of the matter is that the technology will continue to develop as time goes on.  Not only are billionaires betting the bank on it, but the systems that automate driving are slowly but surely making their way into every vehicle on the road.  If you've been losing sleep about losing control over your car to onboard automation, here's what you need to know.

Is Smartphone Insurance a Smart Choice?

By Diane Tait Image courtesy Pixabay Unless you're a prepper who lives off the grid you probably own at least one cellphone.  Most people trade their phones in for new ones every 2.7 years on average.  While some replace theirs every year or two because they want to keep up with the Joneses, others wait to replace their smartphone until device performance forces them to do so, or because the manufacturer stops supporting their phone.  Regardless of whether you decide to replace your smartphone sooner or later, as soon as you decide to spring for a new one, you'll be asked if you'd like to opt-in for additional protection.  The question is, should you purchase cellphone insurance the next time you get a new phone?

The 12 Scams of Christmas

 By Diane Tait Image courtesy Pixabay They say this is the season of giving.  But the last thing you want to give is your hard-earned money to scammers and cybercriminals.  As usual, during the holidays every consumer can expect to get bombarded with holiday greetings, ads, emails, and text messages, some of which are from friends and family, while others are from crafty con men and women who are out to spoil your holiday cheer.  If you want to keep the Grinch off your back this Christmas, here are 12 holiday scams to avoid.