How to Keep Summer Squalls from Wrecking Your Ride
By Diane Tait Image courtesy of wikimedia Now that summer is here in north Florida, that means one thing: Summer squalls. Those of you who moved to Florida from other parts of the country have no doubt had to contend with driving in the rain. The difference is when you’re forced to deal with a full on, no-holds-barred thunderstorm here, don’t think rain, think free car wash. That’s because rain squalls in Florida are as fierce as they are prevalent. The rain that comes down on an almost daily basis in the Jacksonville area falls from the sky in torrents that can make windshield wipers nearly useless and visibility nearly zero. That’s why more auto accidents happen in the summer in Florida than in any other part of the country. If you want to keep summer squalls from wrecking your ride and causing your auto insurance rates to rise, here are some helpful hints.