10 Things to Do Before You Rent a Home
By Diane Tait
1. Here comes the neighborhood - Before you sign on the dotted line, you need
to scope out the neighborhood. While the
internet makes it a breeze to determine metrics such as average income, average
age and crime statistics, what the web won’t do is tell you if your neighbors
like to play their music full blast until the wee hours, or whether your
property is likely to flood after a heavy rain.
To get a bead on a neighborhood, you need to take a trip to scope it out
for yourself.
2. The lease you can do. – Once you’ve determined you can live with
the neighbors, the next question is whether you can live with your landlord. That means you need to read the lease and you
need to speak to your landlord, not just a rental agent. There’s nothing worse than finding out that
your landlord is slow to respond to your concerns or perform necessary
maintenance. While the lease should tell
you how long you’re rental commitment lasts and what responsibilities you and
your landlord have when it comes to maintaining the property, there’s nothing
like a little face time to make sure you’re going to be able to work with your
landlord. If not, it won't be long before you start seeing red
whenever you try to communicate with him or her.
3. Does your unit or neighborhood have a
homeowner’s association? –
If it does, you may quickly come to find that you are restricted in what you
can do to or park on the property. That means if you own an RV or a boat on a
trailer, you need to find out up front if you’ll be able to park it in the driveway, or if you’re going to be required to rent space to park it at a
storage facility.
5. Got Pets? – While you may only have goldfish, it’s still a good
idea to find out in advance the policy on pets before you sign the
lease. Depending on the number, size and
breed of animals that you own, it may only require you to put up a pet deposit
to move Fluffy into your new home. Or,
you may find that the pets you currently own are forbidden on the
6. Got guests? – Just as with pets, landlords have the right to dictate
the guest policy in any unit they lease. While you may not think twice about
having your mom stay with you for a couple of weeks, unless the lease allows
for extended stays you may find out the hard way that the landlord is going to charge you an
impact fee for any guest that stays more than a few days.
7. What’s the policy on vacating the premises? – What’s the process and the penalty for
vacating the premises before the lease is up?
Will it simply be a matter of forfeiting your security deposit, or will
the landlord require you to pay several months rent or even hold you legally
responsible for the remainder of the lease whether you live in the unit or
not? Even if you intend to stay for the
full term of the lease, you may be required to give your landlord a month or
more notice before moving out.
8. How much access does the landlord have to the
property? – Unless you ask
your landlord to repair something on the property, you need to find out what
the policy is for access to your rented home.
Even when you respond with a maintenance request, you want to know
whether the landlord is going to require you to be in residence when a maintenance
crew shows up, or if her or she intends to let them in with or
without your permission.
10. Penalties may apply – If you pay your rent late, will there be a
late fee? If your pet does no damage to
the grounds or property, is your pet deposit going to be refunded? How long
will it be before you get your security deposit back from the landlord after
you move out? Are you going to be
required to pay the HOA fees for the property, or is the landlord going to cover that? The last thing you want to find
out a month after moving in is that there are fees of which you were unaware that are
going to be your responsibility for the length of the lease.
Diane Tait
owns and operates A&B Insurance. To find out more about how you can save
money on insurance, go to her site or fill out the form at right.
A year is a long time to have to wait to change landlords.
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