Why a Home Inspector Can be a Homeowner’s Best Friend
By Diane Tait
Why is a
pre-inspection a good idea?
When it comes down to
selling your home, the last thing you want are surprises likely to block a
closing or cause you to have to drop the price on your home to consummate the
sale. But that’s precisely what happens to
many home sellers who don’t order a pre-inspection. Since a licensed home inspector checks more
than 1,000 items in a home before publishing a report, it isn’t unusual for a
homeowner to wind up getting blindsided at the last minute by items that they assumed
would pass muster. Had they taken the
time to have a pre-inspection before they put their home on the market, they
would have been aware of any deficiencies that could cause them problems later. It also makes it much less likely that a potential
buyer will request repairs or try to renegotiate the asking price when the home
comes on the market.
Is a
pre-inspection worth the money?
According to the
National Association of Home Inspectors, only 10% of sellers opt for a
pre-inspection, even though they cost as little as $200. While many homeowners see the cost of a
pre-inspection as money out of pocket that they could use to repair their
property, what most fail to realize is that a professional inspector is better
able to point out what needs to be fixed and what doesn’t than a layman. As a result, some homeowners put money into
repairing or replacing items which a home inspector would give a passing
grade. More importantly, a home
inspector can provide a wealth of information regarding a home that can relieve
the suspense that will inevitably come when a potential buyer has the property
items are included in a home inspection?
Regardless of whether
you hire an inspector or not, sooner or later a professional is going to take a
good hard look at your property. Here
are the top-10 areas the inspector is going to focus on:
1. The Grounds – Before a home inspector sets
foot inside your domicile, he or she will walk around your property to see if
there is any standing water that can indicate drainage or septic issues. They’ll also inspect your trees to see if
they touch the roof. If your driveway
and/or sidewalk is in disrepair, expect this to be addressed on the report.
3. Beds, Bath & Living Space – A home
inspector will not only do a walk-through of a property to make sure there
aren’t any signs of undue wear or tear, they’re likely to test every knob and
faucet, open every cupboard, drawer and fixture to make sure they all work
4. What’s Cooking? – Expect your kitchen to get
a great deal of scrutiny. That’s because
it’s one of the most complicated parts of your home. Everything from the stove and oven to the
exhaust fan and electrical outlets will be studied in great detail to make sure
they’re in good working order.
5. The garage is another place that will draw
the interest of a home inspector, especially if the area houses such things as a
washer, dryer and perhaps a built-in work bench. If you have a power door opener, expect that
to be opened, closed and scrutinized, as will your home’s water heater, if
that’s where it’s housed.
6. The shocking truth about your home’s
electrical system is that it may not be up to code, particularly if you live in
a home that was constructed more than 20-years ago. Even if it is up to code, don’t for a moment
think that any inspector is going to overlook any DIY electrical connections or
non-permitted upgrades that you’ve made to your home’s power grid.
7. A Cold Day in Hell – Another thing home
inspectors home in on is a home’s HVAC system and fireplace. If your central air unit looks like something
Rube Goldberg would have been proud of, or if your fireplace is full of cracks,
you can expect to read about it in the inspector’s final report.
8. Bats in the Belfry – Don’t for a moment think
that an inspector is going to neglect to crawl in and around your attic and
crawlspaces. Everything from the
condition of any insulation to obvious signs of water intrusion and vermin
infestation will be spotted and noted.
9. Look Up – While most homeowners expect an
inspector to look down at carpeting, wood and tile flooring, many don’t realize
that they spend just as much time looking up to spot water stains, loose
material and cracks, some of which are all but undetectable to the layman.
10. Be Proactive – Last but not least, if you
really want to get the most out of a pre-inspection, don’t make the inspector
discover each and every defect. Come
clean before the inspection starts by pointing out defects of which you are
aware. The inspector will be glad to
tell you what to do to rectify the situation.
Diane Tait
owns and operates A&B Insurance. To find out more about how you can save
money on insurance, go to her site or fill out the form at right.
The last thing you want to do when you're trying to sell a property is give the buyer the upper hand.