10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Insurance

 By Diane Tait

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You may have noticed that the grass is growing, the flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping in the trees.  Signs that spring has sprung in north Florida are abundant.  But what’s not so obvious is the toll that winter has taken.  That’s why many homeowners reassess what’s what at this time of year.  Spring cleaning is a great way to review, reorganize, and rejuvenate your home and yard.  Whether it’s mowing the lawn, pressure washing the deck, organizing your garage, or cleaning the barbecue, spring cleaning is going to save you tons of time during the dog days of summer.  It can also save you is money on your insurance if you know where to look.

1.      New Year, New Discounts. –  If you haven’t spoken to your insurance agent in a year or more, now is the time to pick up the phone.  That’s because you may not be aware of all the discounts being offered in 2021.  You may not realize it, but things like customer loyalty, having a student on the honor rule, or being a loyal customer can entitle you to a discount on your auto insurance. 

2.      Is your homeowner’s insurance eating you out of house and home? – Then it’s time you spoke to your agent.  Just as with auto insurance, there are discounts available to homeowners if you know what to tell your agent.  During the pandemic, did you upgrade your home’s plumbing, roof, air conditioner, or electrical system?  You may qualify for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance.  Did you add a home security system?  That may also qualify.  Even if you didn’t feather your nest during the pandemic, there are ways to reduce the cost of your homeowner’s.  If you recently got married or retired, this could save you money with some carriers.  You can also ask your agent to shop around to compare your insurer with others who offer discounts. 

3.      Are you dying to take a vacation? – COVID-19 put a crimp in everyone’s travel plans in 2020.  If you’re hoping that pandemic-related travel restrictions will soon be lifted and are dying to take a vacation as soon as they do, you should consider purchasing trip insurance in case you’re forced to cancel your reservations due to illness.   Since trip insurance costs 5-7% of the trip cost, having it could be one of the best investments you can make in these uncertain times.

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4.      Speaking of lifestyle changes... – Spring is a great time to perform an insurance check, particularly if your lifestyle has changed.  Remember, insurance is predicated on risk. If your lifestyle has changed, the data your policies were based on have changed as well.  Calling your agent to explain that you no longer fly light planes or climb mountains can save you money on your life insurance.  So can other lifestyle changes.

5.      If you want to play you have to pay. – While this is doubly true for insurance policies, the way you pay can save you money.  If you currently pay your insurance monthly, consider paying every six months to save.  Even if you pay monthly, opting to autopay via credit card will save you money with most insurers.

6.    Increase your deductible to save even more. – The lower your deductible, the higher your premiums.  It’s as simple as that.  If you want to lower your insurance cost, consider increasing your deductibles.  Even raising your deductibles by a few hundred dollars can make a big difference.  The best way to explore the potential savings is to call your agent.

7.      Bundle to save a bundle. – Another way to save across the board on insurance is to bundle your policies under one roof.  Own a car, a boat, and a home?  If they’re insured under different carriers, ask your agent if bundling them under one insurer will save you money.  Bundling can knock as much as 15-20% off the top.

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8.      Prune back coverage you don’t need. -  If the pandemic caused you to scale back your lifestyle, you may wish to prune your insurance coverage accordingly, particularly if you decided to sell or downsize things like art, jewelry, or collectibles.  If you recently retired, you should ask your agent to look at your liability coverage and auto insurance.  Driving a car that’s 10 years old or older?  Ask your agent if you should still carry collision or comprehensive coverage.  If you rarely drive, you can also ask to increase your deductible to save money.

9.      Is your nest empty? – If your child is grown and gone, this could affect everything from your health insurance to your auto premiums.  Even if your child is going to college if the school he or she attends is more than 100 miles away, this could entitle you to a discount on your auto policy.  If you have an umbrella policy, you may no longer need it if your kids are grown and gone, and your home is completely or mostly paid off.

10.  Make sure you have the right riders. – As your lifestyle changes, so too does the amount of coverage you need.  This goes doubly for insurance add-ons known in the business as “Riders”.  Depending on you and your family’s circumstances, you may need to add or remove riders to protect you and yours from critical illness, accidental death, income protection, long-term care, and other financial obligations.  Have your agent review and advise you on riders to save money on insurance you no longer need. 

Diane Tait owns and operates A&B Insurance.  To find out more about how you can save money on insurance, go to her site or fill out the form at right.


  1. These are great tips for saving money on your insurances - Thanks

  2. Spring cleaning isn't only for the house and yard.


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